New Delhi. India’s Harnaaz Sandhu has been declared the new Miss Universe. She was crowned the 70th Miss Universe 2020 by Miss Universe Mexico’s Andrea Meza. The event was broadcast live all over the world, which was watched live on TV by millions of people. Harnaaz has won this title after India’s Lara Dutta in 2000. Participants from 80 countries took part in this competition and India has won this competition after 21 years. 21-year-old Harnaz was declared the winner of the competition held on Sunday in the Israeli city of Elliot.
Actress-model Harnaaz Sandhu, who hails from Chandigarh, Punjab, is pursuing her post-graduation in Public Administration. She topped about 80 contestants in this competition. Paraguay’s Nadia Ferreira (22) came second, while South Africa’s Lalela Maswane (24) finished third, ahead of actress-model Sandhu as only two Indian women to have won the Miss Universe title. Actress Sushmita Sena was crowned in 1994 and Lara Dutta in 2000.
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